Monday, October 26, 2009


Today is the first time that I feel homesick...the Yanks made the playoffs and pretty much no one here gives a shit. Its also raining...yes in the desert. That is all.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Musical Offerings

So people have been asking me about the music over here. I'll break you guys off with some more traditional middle eastern popular tunes but first, the CLUB BANGERS. Cairo is big on house/dance music in the clubs, and its starting to grow on me...guess I got some tunes to donate to the next Psi U dance partay. I havent quite figured out if these songs are old or new but I hadn't heard any of them before getting here and they have definitely become my jammy jams...espcially the David Guetta ft. Akon one.

check these songs out and here are a few download links.

Yves Larock's Rise Up is also really great...couldn't find a link for that though.

Happy Listening!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


most beautiful soul

meal of champions

on my National Geographic tip

Up In Smoke

(Not from Cairo, but he's smoking...pun intended)

Sometimes I feel like Cairo is one giant smoking advertisement, with Marlboro Light as the brand. At the risk of sounding like a complete cornball I simply must say...smoking has never looked so cool. I don't really know how to describe it or even exactly what IT is but Cairo makes you just wanna roll out and ashtray and get to puffing. EVERYONE SMOKES. I mean this is the kind of stuff the surgeon general warns us about on the side of the cigarette box but damn, all the cool kids are doing it. Hell, even the not-so-cool kids are doing it, and by kids I do mean kids, and adults, and senior citizens. The Bedouins are smoking, the Muslims are smoking, the Coptics are smoking. Where are they smoking? Everywhere. In the bathroom, at the cafe, at the stadium, on the bus, in the cab, on the street, in the restaurant, outside al mosque, in khan el khalili, on the grass, at the library, in the classroom. Why are they doing it? Who knows but I've just noticed how prevalent smoking cigarettes is here. Some of the first words I learned in my colloquial arabic class were lighter and ashtray...smoking is so prevalent that they DONT EVEN NEED cigarette ads. Its crazy. I'm just so intrigued by everyone walking around puffing on a cig and they all seem to be at ease amongst all the bustle. Just an observation.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Im dizzy drunk from this bilingual existence. My very body split through and through by a technicolor city,the mural of the naked woman on the cuadra not to far from my house, and the words pase lo que pase on the wall in the bookstore where i pretend to study.This country which has given me much and to whom i can thank for making me a skeptical dreamer.

1.Ben wants us to write poems together over these millions of miles and i hope his words can reach across the world and shake me like they sometimes do when we are sitting so close to each other the hairs on our arms can touch.

2.hope they can teach me what it means to be more than a quiet train passing through some unfamilar landscape. remind me where i last left my soul. Did i forget it there at the alter to el diablo? mistaking that pile of stones and discarded cigerettes for a tribute to the pachamama. who apparently enjoys to smoke from time to time.

Teach me again what it means to be a poet.
To think and breathe then write something so painful or beautiful that is cannot be written.
to try and capture this hard, rare thing called life.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Dear Pachamama, Thanks for Touching my Soul

I have been back in Buenos Aires for one week now and I haave to write about my trip to Jujuy before I forget how it felt to be in a place with such a palpable spirit. I feel like the problem with having so many amazing experiences in such a short amount of time is that each one begins to run into the next and I just want to give the Pachamama(mother earth) the reflection she deserves. So we travelled as a group to the Northern part of Argentina, 2 hours by plane, 1.5 hours by bus and we arrived in this dusty little pueblocito with houses made of clay and unpaved streets. I havvve to describe the people of this place, they are so tranqila and tiny, like from another time. Their faces are etched with lines...I kept wanting to say that they looked windswept, because they look as though literally the wind and sun have carved lines in their cheeks and foreheads. mata! I felt like I could live in those mountains making jewlery and...doing whatever it is that they do. But perhaps that was the high altitude making me dizzy and making it hard for me to maintain some sense bc many of the first peoples of that region are so very poor! Thats the thing that struck me so powerfully is the differenc between Buenos Aires, a city with all the modern convienience, attitude and grit of New York City, and Humahuca, a town that is filled with a quiet, ancient type of energy....(I hate to write this way, but honestly I was so moved by this place I felt like every moment I was having revelations about my life and the excesses of cities like BA. The Pachamama really did touch my soul!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Shit Happens

I just got back to Cairo from my week of roadtripping through eastern Egypt and Jordan. I have SO MUCH to write and share and great pics as well. Unfortunately my comp is more triflin than a pimp on sunday morning and has decided to act I dont know when ill be able to really get down to posting all the stuff that I had originally intended to, but it will happen eventually.

Side note and comment about B.Amorena's last post. The world is going crazy and fucking up on a daily basis, its actually pretty depressing and eye opening at the same time. Every day something ridiculous happens that can make you really question what goes through ppls heads, especially those who are in power. Just have to inhale and exhale.