In response to the my dearest friend's post from the motherland, I must respond with my own observations about the ways men treat women in Buenos Aires...Where to even begin? Men in Argentina have been raised from the teet on the notion of machismo. And I must say I don't hate all things about machismo...the feminist in me just slapped me up-side my head, but let me explain. I have seen young boys stand get up from their seat on the bus for a lady. I have seen men helping old ladies across the street too many times to count. When I'm standing in line to get on the colectivo, if there is a man in front of me he will let me get on first. Also I have flirted(all the pun intended) with the dating culture here in Buenos Aires, and always always the chicos open my doors, pull out my chairs..the whole thing. At first I didnt know how to respond to all this chivalry, these caballeros took me by surprise...but wait, I soon learned there is another side to all this mannerly behavior. Los chicos love to darles piropos a cualquier mujer. Basically, with all of this chivilrous behavior comes a price. The men don't take rejection, not that they dont take rejection easily or they don't like rejection, nope the notion of rejection simply doesn't exist for these men. It is as if they just know that if they keep trying they will get what they want. I don't know if its all the machismo ideology they were brought up on or what, but the men here seem to think they can approach/conquer any woman they desire, regardless of how uncomfortable their advances may make you feel. Today for instance. I was taking a little walk for exercise(thats what I tell mi madre, but really I just go for ice cream and then bum around the shops for a couple hours.) Anyways I was strolling through my hood when these two guys ride past on the street on motorcycle...first, I dont fucks with the motocicleta, that's school for theives 101, how to mug via motorcycle, so I was freaked out at first, but then I realized that they were simlply blowing me kisses, not weilding armas. Anyways, I ignored it per usual, but the next block I see the same guy, he has dropped his friend off and is waiting for me at the block. He begins with the usual, "you are so beautiful..blah blah blah" and I continue as usual, but this one is particularly sure that he will get what he wants. He proceeds to follow me for about 6 blocks, manuevering in traffic as I dodge from street to street trying to lose him at the street lights. Each time he catches up with me and begins again with observations of my bueaty, offering me a ride, offers to take me out. It was day time in a very safe neighborhood otherwise I would def have used my pepper spray to convey my message more forcefully, but luckily I passed the casa of one of my amigos and I was saved, but this is just one example of machismo gone wrong.

Monday, September 14, 2009
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