I started my first week of school and I must say the shit is bananas. There is no central campus here and I am taking classes at two different schools, The University of Buenos Aires aka. La UBA and some classes through my program. First of all this week is "shopping" week were we visit classes see what we like what we dislike etc. and it has been wild. I'm taking the colectivo from one end of the city to the next trying to get to classes on time(although puntuality here means something completamente diferente). Stepping into The university of B.A is cra-cra. The bulidings are old and unkempt, there are people painting on the walls, handing out pamphlets, shouting and chatting passionately. There are pics of Che and Mao on almost every floor and everywhere signs of general student dissatisfaction with...everything. The government, the school, capitalism...todo. It is INCREIBLE! I love it!! UBA is like everything Wesleyan thinks it is minus everything that prevents it from being...authentically radical. Today I shopped an incredible class on the Latin American political system, despite not being able to "get" everything, it was still so interesting. Thus, while it is a little overwhelming to be thrown back into academia after this long vacay, I am lovin it!

Thursday, August 20, 2009
UBA like Cuba...
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